Easy-to-Use Flexible Elastomer Port for
Shoulder and Hip Arthroscopy
Conventional cannulas can be easy to use but limit instrument mobility. Rubbery ports can provide mobility but can be hard to use. The latest in Cannuflow's rich pipeline of innovative fluid management devices,
SportPort™ is the first and only elastomer port to combine high instrument mobility with ease of use of a conventional smooth cannula with standard fluid management options.
- Disposable 4mm cannulated obturator with ergonomic grip.
- Superior fluid seal design for better performance with instruments off-axis and with multiple sutures .
- Speedclip® for easy suture management.
- ID is 100% unrestricted, makes graft passing easy.
- Stays put. No pistoning. Folding wings and driver system for easy standard insertion.
- Superior flexibility.
Other features include:
- Patent-pending DistralDrive™ insertion
- Fluid tight seal around instruments
to prevent squirting.
Other rubber cannula ports require deviating from
portal placement techniques surgeons already use.
SportPort inserts just like a standard smooth cannula.
The patent-pending DistralDrive system makes
SportPort as easy and intuitve to place as a
conventional rigid cannula and it is compatible with switching stick "railroading" techniques favored by many surgeons. It also features an inflow/outflow side port lacking in other rubber designs.

SportPort is made of soft rubber that allows superior instrument mobility in the shoulder compared with conventional rigid cannulas.
It also is specially designed to form a fluid tight seal around instruments to prevent squirting.
You may also be interested in:
- TwoVu ST. Coaxial outflow sheath, it provides continuous fluid outflow for two-portal knee and percutaneous shoulder arthroscopy.
- EntreVu EX. Offers all the
functionality of a high-quality instrument cannula, while also providing unprecedented anti-extravasation
- ExtravaStopper. Portal plug that also controls fluid extravasation.
Order Information |
Product |
Quantity |
Ref# |
(6.5 x 60mm flexible elastomer port cannula) |
Box of 10 |
6-6 |
(8.5 x 60mm flexible elastomer port cannula) |
Box of 10 |
8-6 |
To place your order or to obtain the contact information for your local Cannuflow sales representative, call our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1-866-484-5400. |
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